APS and ACS Education Divisions Endorse the NGSS

June 13, 2013 -- The American Physical Society's Committee on Education today released a statement endorsing the NGSS:


The American Physical Society Committee on Education endorses the physics content of the Next Generation Science Standards.  The Committee recognizes that the Next Generation Science Standards are intended to promote broad science literacy, and urges K-12 education policy-makers in all states to adopt these standards and implement the necessary teacher support to attain them.

Earlier this month, the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education also issued a statement in support of the NGSS:


The Division of Chemical Education recognizes the achievement that is present in the Next Generation Science Standards, including their basis in research on teaching and learning, their formulation as performance standards, and their basis in the NRC framework and its dimensions of Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Cross Cutting Concepts.  We endorse the Standards as a document that is broadly applicable as a basis for K-12 science instruction and call upon the Division to develop innovative programming to support the implementation of the Standards.

More information is available about the ACS Division of Chemical Education here, and about the APS Committee on Education here.