Lynn Lahti Hommeyer is a twenty-year veteran in the elementary education arena. She has a wide variety of experiences in the elementary setting, working with students as a science resource teacher, English language learner instructor, school-wide enrichment coordinator, and classroom teacher. She is currently employed with the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) at Bruce Monroe Parkview School. Last summer she was a participant of the DCPS Teaching Central to Leadership Fellowship Program, which brings outstanding DCPS staff to share their wisdom and perspective to the work of the district office.
As a Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching recipient in 2010, Lynn researched educational best practices in Finland. She represented Washington, DC in 2006 as a recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Ms. Hommeyer also participated in a Fulbright-Hays Seminar to Australia looking at sustainable environmental practices. Currently, she is serving as Co-President of the DC Science Teachers Association. During the 2011–2012 school year, Ms. Hommeyer will serve as an Einstein Fellow on Capitol Hill.
Ms. Hommeyer earned a BS in Elementary Education from Bemidji State University and a MS in Curriculum and Instruction from Mankato State University. She is currently taking courses in physics at The George Washington University under a federal grant given to DC science teachers.