NGSS Appendices A through M provide background and detail about the standards, along with some implementation models. Other NGSS support documents are available here.
Appendix A: Conceptual Shifts Learn more about the conceptual shifts that make the NGSS new and different.
Appendix B: Responses to Public Drafts Describes the feedback on the draft NGSS during each of the two public review periods, along with the writers' response to it.
Appendix C: College and Career Readiness Learn about why student success in postsecondary education and careers will require a strong K-12 preparation in science.
Appendix D: All Standards, All Students / Case Studies The Appendix and the seven case studies about diverse student groups address what classroom teachers can do to ensure that the NGSS are accessible to all students.
Appendix E: Disciplinary Core Idea Progressions Describes the DCI progressions across K-12, summarizing the main focus of the science disciplinary content at each grade band.
Appendix F: Science and Engineering Practices Describes the progression of the practices across K-12, detailing the specific elements of each practice that are targets for students at each grade band.
Appendix G: Crosscutting Concepts Describes the progression of the Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) across K-12, detailing the specific elements of each CCC that are targets for students at each grade band.
Appendix H: Nature of Science Describes rationale for and research on the nature of science in the context of the NGSS, and discusses how to emphasize the nature of science in school programs.
Appendix I: Engineering Design in the NGSS Describes the framing of Engineering Design concepts and practices throughout the NGSS.
Appendix J: Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment Learn how the interactions between science, technology, society, and the environment are addressed in the NGSS.
Appendix K: Model Course Mapping in Middle and High School Describes examples of ways to arrange the NGSS into middle and high school courses or years.
Appendix L: Connections to CCSS-Mathematics Learn about the connections to Common Core State Standards (CCSS)-Mathematics in the NGSS.
Appendix M: Connections to CCSS-Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Learn about the connections to Common Core State Standards (CCSS)-Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects in the NGSS.