Middle School: Next Generation Science Storylines: How Can We Sense So Many Different Sounds From A Distance?

Listings > Middle School: Next Generation Science Storylines: How Can We Sense So Many Different Sounds From A Distance?

Unit submitted by Next Generation Science Storylines The content of the unit posted is the same version 2.1 reviewed by Achieve. However, formatting has been changed in the following ways: Unit front matter has been broken into two separate documents 1. Storylines Teacher Handbook and 2. Unit Front Matter for MS Sound. Modified templates were created to enhance usability which altered all page numbers.

Score: 9

Science Discipline: Physical Science

Length: Unit

Year Reviewed: 2018

Awarded the NGSS Design Badge

In this unit, students start by observing a perplexing phenomenon.  When a sewing needle taped to a cone, is dragged over the surface of a plastic disc that is spun underneath it, voices and musical notes can be heard coming from it. This leads students to start wondering about other sound related phenomena, which in turn leads to wealth of new questions about 1) what causes different sounds? 2) what is traveling from a sound source to our ears? 3) How do we hear and why do we hear things differently in different places? 4) and how do electronic devices (digital sound sources) produce and detect sounds? 

To access and use the assessments, rubrics, and answer keys for this unit, send an email with your request along with verification that you are an educator and not a student trying to search for the answers to nextgenscistorylines@gmail.com. 

Link to Materials

How Can We Sense So Many Different Sounds From A Distance?

This unit, formerly named, "How Can We Hear So Many Different Sounds From Across the Room," was previously reviewed by the Science PRP and was posted as a "Quality Work in Progress." Using the feedback and suggestions for improvement provided in that first feedback report, the authors revised and resubmitted this unit and it has now earned the highest rating, "Example of High-Quality NGSS Design." Please see the older version of the unit materials here, and the first Science Peer Review Panel Feedback Report here.

NGSS Design Badge

Awarded: Apr 26, 2018

Awarded To: How Can We Sense So Many Different Sounds From A Distance? [v2.1]


The NGSS Design Badge is awarded only to the version of this unit that was reviewed. If any modifications are made to this unit, the revised version cannot be promoted as having earned the badge.

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Peer Review Panel Feedback

Comment list iconReviews & Questions

Hi folks,

I've enjoyed using the unit about How We Hear So Many Different Sounds From A Distance. Great stuff!

I'm having trouble finding the summative assessment associated with lesson 7. It appears that students are to be shown the video of the harpist and then led through a number of questions interpreting the sounds and graphs associated with the harp.

I can't find the assessment questions in the materials (teacher guide, student activity sheets, etc).

Any advice?

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Achieve Admin
Hi Michael! Great point -- the assessments are available upon request (so students can't google it) if you email the NextGenStorylines folks here: nextgenscistorylines@gmail.com. Hope that helps!
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Thanks for the quick reply!
School Setting
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The video links need to be restored through google drive. I am not able to access them.

Error message from google drive:
"To view this folder, ask the owner (Michael Novak) to restore it."

I have requested the assessments twice. Could someone check on this please?
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