Read the Standards

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Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information.*

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth’s features.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans.*

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 4
Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen.

Performance Expectation

Grade:  3-5, 5