Video Hub


Featured here are all of the NGSS videos that Achieve has created or worked with others to create. Included in this list are videos about: introducing the NGSS, the three dimensions of the NGSS, support for instruction and instructional planning, and using the EQuIP Rubric for Science.


Introductory NGSS Videos


This video underscores why the time is right to use the Next Generation Science Standards.

Importance of the Next Generation Science Standards

This overview video provides a quick look at the importance of Next Generation Science Standards.

NGSS: A Vision for K-12 Science Education

This video highlights the NGSS Vision for K-12 Science Education.

How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards

This How to Read the Standards video explains how the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are structured and describes the different components of the organizational tables in which the standards are arranged.


The Three Dimensions of the NGSS

NGSS: Crosscutting Concepts

This video highlights NGSS Crosscutting Concepts in a teacher professional development setting. Created in Partnership with The Teaching Channel.

NGSS: Disciplinary Core Ideas

This video highlights NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas in a teacher professional development setting. Created in Partnership with The Teaching Channel.

NGSS: Science & Engineering Practices

This video highlights NGSS Science and Engineering Practices in a teacher professional development setting. Created in Partnership with The Teaching Channel.


Videos to Support Science Instruction and Instructional Planning


This three minute video interview with Brian Reiser introduces phenomena and their connection to the NGSS and three-dimensional learning.

Bundling the NGSS: An Example of Chemistry Standards

This video describes one example of bundling NGSS performance expectations within one course in high school.

Bonding in the NGSS

This video describes where you can find the chemistry concept of bonding in the NGSS.

High School: Energy & Matter Across Science Disciplines

This video highlights a classroom example of teaching and learning about energy & matter across science disciplines in Grades 9-12. Created in Partnership with The Teaching Channel.

Introduction to Bundling the NGSS

This archived webinar serves as an introduction to bundling, or grouping standards together to create the endpoints for units of instruction.

NGSS Accelerated Model Course Pathways Overview

Watch this video to learn more about the NGSS Accelerated Model Course Pathways.

High School: First Steps Towards Transitioning to the NGSS


This video highlights a classroom teacher discussing first steps towards transitioning to the NGSS. Created in Partnership with The Teaching Channel.

Grade 2: Making Claims From Evidence

This video highlights teaching and learning about making claims from evidence in a Grade 2 classroom. Created in Partnership with The Teaching Channel.

Grade 2: Working as a Team

This video highlights a 2nd grade classroom teacher discussing strategies for building students' teamwork skills. Created in Partnership with The Teaching Channel.


EQuIP for Science Videos

NGSS EQuIP Rubric Overview

This video provides an NGSS EQuIP Rubric Overview. Read more about the EQuIP Rubric.

NGSS EQuIP Rubric: 3-Dimensional Learning

This video highlights part one of the NGSS EQuIP Rubric: 3-Dimensional Learning.

NGSS EQuIP Rubric: Evidence of Student Learning

This video highlights part three of the NGSS EQuIP Rubric: Evidence of Student Learning.

NGSS EQuIP Rubric: Using Phenomena

This video highlights the NGSS EQuIP Rubric: Using Phenomena.



Read the Next Generation Science Standards and the Appendices.

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